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Are you suffering from a relationship problem out of your drinking or drugging habit? Are you suffering from financial or physical problems because of your drinking or drugging? Have you started creating unmanageability at your workplace or at your study place because of drinking or drugging?

Drug Addiction Treatment

Addiction is a complex but treatable disease that affects brain function and behavior.

Drugs of abuse alter the brain’s structure and function, resulting in changes that persist long after drug use has ceased. This may explain why drug abusers are at risk for relapse even after long periods of abstinence and despite the potentially devastating consequences.

No single treatment is appropriate for everyone.

Treatment varies depending on the type of drug and the characteristics of the patients. Matching treatment settings, interventions, and services to an individual’s particular problems and needs is critical to his or her ultimate success in returning to productive functioning in the family, workplace, and society.

  • Treatment needs to be readily available. Because drug-addicted individuals may be uncertain about entering treatment, taking advantage of available services the moment people are ready for treatment is critical. Potential patients can be lost if treatment is not immediately available or readily accessible. As with other chronic diseases, the earlier treatment is offered in the disease process, the greater the likelihood of positive outcomes.
  • Effective treatment attends to multiple needs of the individual, not just his or her drug abuse. To be effective, treatment must address the individual’s drug abuse and any associated medical, psychological, social, vocational, and legal problems. It is also important that treatment be appropriate to the individual’s age, gender, ethnicity, and culture.
  • Remaining in treatment for an adequate period of time is critical. The appropriate duration for an individual depends on the type and degree of the patient’s problems and needs. Research indicates that most addicted individuals need at least 3 months in treatment to significantly reduce or stop their drug use and that the best outcomes occur with longer durations of treatment. Recovery from drug addiction is a long-term process and frequently requires multiple episodes of treatment. As with other chronic illnesses, relapses to drug abuse can occur and should signal a need for treatment to be reinstated or adjusted. Because individuals often leave treatment prematurely, programs should include strategies to engage and keep patients in treatment.

How are medications and devices used in drug addiction treatment?

Medications and devices can be used to manage withdrawal symptoms, prevent relapse, and treat co-occurring conditions.

Withdrawal. Medications and devices can help suppress withdrawal symptoms during detoxification. Detoxification is not in itself “treatment,” but only the first step in the process. Patients who do not receive any further treatment after detoxification usually resume their drug use

  • One study of treatment facilities found that medications were used in almost 80 percent of detoxifications (SAMHSA, 2014). In November 2017, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted a new indication to an electronic stimulation device, NSS-2 Bridge, for use in helping reduce opioid withdrawal symptoms. This device is placed behind the ear and sends electrical pulses to stimulate certain brain nerves. Also, in May 2018, the FDA approved lofexidine, a non-opioid medicine designed to reduce opioid withdrawal symptoms.

Relapse prevention. Patients can use medications to help re-establish normal brain function and decrease cravings. Medications are available for treatment of opioid (heroin, prescription pain relievers), tobacco (nicotine), and alcohol addiction. Scientists are developing other medications to treat stimulant (cocaine, methamphetamine) and cannabis (marijuana) addiction. People who use more than one drug, which is very common, need treatment for all of the substances they use.

    • Opioids: Methadone (Dolophine®, Methadose®), buprenorphine (Suboxone®, Subutex®, Probuphine® , Sublocade), and naltrexone (Vivitrol®) are used to treat opioid addiction. Acting on the same targets in the brain as heroin and morphine, methadone and buprenorphine suppress withdrawal symptoms and relieve cravings. Naltrexone blocks the effects of opioids at their receptor sites in the brain and should be used only in patients who have already been detoxified. All medications help patients reduce drug seeking and related criminal behavior and help them become more open to behavioral treatments. A NIDA study found that once treatment is initiated, both a buprenorphine/naloxone combination and an extended release naltrexone formulation are similarly effective in treating opioid addiction. Because full detoxification is necessary for treatment with naloxone, initiating treatment among active users was difficult, but once detoxification was complete, both medications had similar effectiveness.
    • Tobacco: Nicotine replacement therapies have several forms, including the patch, spray, gum, and lozenges. These products are available over the counter. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved two prescription medications for nicotine addiction: bupropion (Zyban®) and varenicline (Chantix®). They work differently in the brain, but both help prevent relapse in people trying to quit. The medications are more effective when combined with behavioral treatments, such as group and individual therapy as well as telephone quitlines.
    • Alcohol: Three medications have been FDA-approved for treating alcohol addiction and a fourth, topiramate, has shown promise in clinical trials (large-scale studies with people). The three approved medications are as follows:
      • Naltrexone blocks opioid receptors that are involved in the rewarding effects of drinking and in the craving for alcohol. It reduces relapse to heavy drinking and is highly effective in some patients. Genetic differences may affect how well the drug works in certain patients.
      • Acamprosate (Campral®) may reduce symptoms of long-lasting withdrawal, such as insomnia, anxiety, restlessness, and dysphoria (generally feeling unwell or unhappy). It may be more effective in patients with severe addiction.
      • Disulfiram (Antabuse®) interferes with the breakdown of alcohol. Acetaldehyde builds up in the body, leading to unpleasant reactions that include flushing (warmth and redness in the face), nausea, and irregular heartbeat if the patient drinks alcohol. Compliance (taking the drug as prescribed) can be a problem, but it may help patients who are highly motivated to quit drinking.
    • Co-occuring conditions: Other medications are available to treat possible mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety, that may be contributing to the person’s addiction.

How are behavioral therapies used to treat drug addiction?

Behavioral therapies help patients:

modify their attitudes and behaviours related to drug use
increase healthy life skills persist with other forms of treatment, such as medication

  • Patients can receive treatment in many different settings with various approaches.

Outpatient behavioral treatment includes a wide variety of programs for patients who visit a behavioral health counsellor on a regular schedule. Most of the programs involve individual or group drug counselling, or both. These programs typically offer forms of behavioural therapy such as:cognitive-behavioural therapy, which helps patients recognize, avoid, and cope with the situations in which they are most likely to use drugs

    • multidimensional family therapy—developed for adolescents with drug abuse problems as well as their families—which addresses a range of influences on their drug abuse patterns and is designed to improve overall family functioning
    • motivational interviewing, which makes the most of people’s readiness to change their behaviour and enter treatment
    • motivational incentives (contingency management), which uses positive reinforcement to encourage abstinence from drugs

Treatment is sometimes intensive at first, where patients attend multiple outpatient sessions each week. After completing intensive treatment, patients transition to regular outpatient treatment, which meets less often and for fewer hours per week to help sustain their recovery. In September 2017, the FDA permitted marketing of the first mobile application, reset®, to help treat substance use disorders. This application is intended to be used with outpatient treatment to treat alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, and stimulant substance use disorders. In December 2018, the FDA cleared a mobile medical application, Reset®, to help treat opioid use disorders. This application is a prescription cognitive behavioural therapy and should be used in conjunction with treatment that includes buprenorphine and contingency management.

Inpatient or residential treatment can also be very effective, especially for those with more severe problems (including co-occurring disorders). Licensed residential treatment facilities offer 24-hour structured and intensive care, including safe housing and medical attention. Residential treatment facilities may use a variety of therapeutic approaches, and they are generally aimed at helping the patient live a drug-free, crime-free lifestyle after treatment. Examples of residential treatment settings include:

    • Therapeutic communities, which are highly structured programs in which patients remain at a residence, typically for 6 to 12 months. The entire community, including treatment staff and those in recovery, act as key agents of change, influencing the patient’s attitudes, understanding, and behaviors associated with drug use. Read more about therapeutic communities in the Therapeutic Communities Research Report.
    • Shorter-term residential treatment, which typically focuses on detoxification as well as providing initial intensive counseling and preparation for treatment in a community-based setting.
    • Recovery housing, which provides supervised, short-term housing for patients, often following other types of inpatient or residential treatment. Recovery housing can help people make the transition to an independent life—for example, helping them learn how to manage finances or seek employment, as well as connecting them to support services in the community.

Is treatment different for criminal justice populations?

Scientific research since the mid-1970s shows that drug abuse treatment can help many drug-using offenders change their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors towards drug abuse; avoid relapse; and successfully remove themselves from a life of substance abuse and crime. Many of the principles of treating drug addiction are similar for people within the criminal justice system as for those in the general population.

  • However, many offenders don’t have access to the types of services they need. Treatment that is of poor quality or is not well suited to the needs of offenders may not be effective at reducing drug use and criminal behavior.

In addition to the general principles of treatment, some considerations specific to offenders include the following:

    • Treatment should include development of specific cognitive skills to help the offender adjust attitudes and beliefs that lead to drug abuse and crime, such as feeling entitled to have things one’s own way or not understanding the consequences of one’s behavior. This includes skills related to thinking, understanding, learning, and remembering.
    • Treatment planning should include tailored services within the correctional facility as well as transition to community-based treatment after release.
    • Ongoing coordination between treatment providers and courts or parole and probation officers is important in addressing the complex needs of offenders re-entering society.

Health Club

Alcohol Addiction Treatment

What to Expect from Jan Sudhar  Alcohol Treatment Program

If you have considered going to a drug treatment justify to help you stop using drugs, then you will probably want to know what to expect there. It is important to understand more about it before you actually get there. Sometimes people go in with misconceptions about the facility, and they end up leaving before the treatment program has had time to do any good. When you are well aware of what to expect, you will have a much greater chance of success when you get there. We are one of the best rehab justify Varanasi that that relieves the addicted person from Alcohol, Drugs, Smoking etc and providing long-term effective treatment.

About Drug De Addiction Centre In Varanasi For Alcohol

Once you get to the drug treatment Rehab Justify In Varanasi, you will first be admitted and you will learn all about the rules and regulations of the program. Generally, you will not be allowed to keep any type of technology devices on you while you are there. This means that you should not go in with a cell phone, MP3 player, laptop, or any other device. They will want you to stay completely focused on your treatment and you will not be able to do that with other distractions in your way.

Next, you will go through a detox period. This is the time that it takes for the drugs that are currently in your system to completely go away. You will likely go through withdrawal symptoms, and this is not expected to be a pleasant experience. Sometimes people will beg and plead to be able to leave so that they can feed their addiction, but the good news is that if you stick it out in the best Nasha Mukti kendra In Varanasi and Haridwar you will be closer to being free from addiction.

Once you have completely detoxed your system, you will then start to have frequent meetings with therapists and other addicts. You can share your experiences and your stories with them and also gain some insight from them. You are likely to make many close relationships and really bond with the people that you meet because they share a very similar situation with you in their lives.

The good news is that you will not have to overcome drug addiction alone. In fact, those that try to handle it on their own are usually not successful. When you take the time to learn more about a drug treatment de addiction centre in Varanasi, you will likely find that it is the best option for ditching your bad habits once and for all.

Drugs Addiction Treatment

Is Drug Rehab Right for You?

If you suffer from a drug addiction, then you may need to consider drug rehab justify in Varanasi. Many people have found that it is the number one solution for getting off of drugs and staying off of them. There are a variety of drug de addiction justifys for you to choose from. Make sure that you look into the ones in your local area and see if it may be a viable option for you. Drugs can really be an issue in your day to day life if you do not get the necessary help that you need in order to get over the addictions. Here are some signs that you should look for if you feel that you may need to go to Alcohol Rehabilitation Justify In Varanasi.

Do You Do Drugs?

The first thing that you will need to consider is whether or not you do drugs. This does not necessarily mean street drugs such as crack, cocaine, crystal meth, heroin, or marijuana. In fact, it can also mean taking prescription drugs for recreational use. If you currently use drugs as a means of getting high, then you may want to consider a drug rehab facility. Make sure that you understand the effects that drugs have on your body, and then try to kick the habit. Some people find that they are unable to stop the use of drugs without the help from a professional.

So many people tell themselves that drug rehab is not something that is right for them. They feel like the program is really not going to help them out much, and that they can just stop using drugs by themselves. Some people even feel that the programs will get in the way of their every day life. The sad truth is that often times these are excuses that people make so that they can continue to use the drugs when they want. At this point, they really do not want the help. Sometimes it takes an intervention from a family member or close friend for someone to realize that they actually do need help.

Once you ask yourself these questions, you will then be able to decide if you may benefit from a drug rehabilitation program. Just remember, your options are vast when it comes to drug rehab justify Varanasi and it is usually something that is completely confidential

Detox Addiction Treatment

Best Detox Centre in Varanasi- Trust Jan Sudhar to Change Your Life

Recovering from any type of addiction is a crucial decision that demands commitment, dedication, and determination. At Jan Sudhar , we respect all those individuals who have bravely identified their needs and ready to take a step towards living a life free from addiction. Being in the industry for years, we understand that the importance of adequate detoxification and individualized care for quick recovery. Therefore, Jan Sudhar  confers personalized treatments catering to individual’s needs. All these efforts are the reason why we are continually praised for being the best De Addiction Centre In Varanasi.

Your Real Recovery Begins With Detoxification

Detoxification is the first step taken by the Jan Sudhar to start the de-addiction process, which involves removing all the traces of addictive substances from the body. For this, our expert staffs thoroughly examine the client’s behavior, body composition, metabolism, and drug consumption habits to prescribe a desired medical setting.

Our main aim is to make detoxification a successful process.

Why Leave Your Recovery In Our Hands?

At Jan Sudhar, you’ll get access to a safe and secure environment fledged with comfortable settings, which give our detox centre a home-like feel. The food is nutritious and made with proper hygiene and adequate care, accommodating every dietary need of our valuable clientele.

We welcome all individuals willing to step out from the life-risking trap of addiction. Being the most reliable Detox Centre In Varanasi, we assure you that we’ll be your support system until you recover completely. We are here to help you see life in a new way.

Anxiety Rehabilitation Centre In Varanasi

Can Jan Sudhar Help with Anxiety or Depression?

Anxiety is a complex combination of negative emotions that includes fear, apprehension and worry, and is often accompanied by physical sensations such as palpitations, nausea, chest pain, and/or shortness of breath. Anxiety disorders affect thousands of people, but there is treatment available. Anxiety Rehabilitation Centre In Dehradun, Noida, Varanasi, and Haridwar carries a wide variety of anxiety medications to help treat these disorders. Use the menu below to choose your anxiety medication and is saving money on your prescriptions today through Anxiety Medication.

Finding the Help You Need for Anxiety Disorder Diagnosis

eople that suffer from panic attacks will likely want to find a cure for them. The good news is that there are a few things that you can do to get the help that you need for anxiety and anxiety attacks, which are also known as panic attacks. First, you will want to be able to recognize when you are having a panic attack. Recognizing it is the key to being able to diagnose and treat the problem. Take a look at the many different symptoms that come along with anxiety attacks.

Overcoming Your Anxiety

Overcoming your anxiety is something that takes time. This means that you cannot expect it to go away overnight or even in just a few days. This does not mean that you will have to live with it the rest of your life, but you may have to undergo some ongoing treatment to ensure that you stay free of the attacks. Look for the professional help at Jan Sudhar Rehab Justify in Varanasi, Noida, Haridwar and Dehradun that you need so that you do not have to live in fear each day that you are going to have panic attacks.


Counselling at Jan Sudhar

Welcome to Jan Sudhar Individual Counselling and Therapy program. Individual counselling is tailored to the specific needs of the individual, which means it can be beneficial to almost anyone. An individual’s current needs will dictate the treatment plan, though this could change over the course of therapy. Whether you’re coping with grief or psychological trauma, handling depression or career dissatisfaction, or simply seeking to improve your general outlook, individual counseling can provide some form of healing. Along the way, the therapist will likely identify unhealthy behavioral patterns you may not even be aware of, so therapy can help you grow as a person, too.


There are many introvert people and this is a very common behavior found in addict so the Inventory session plays important role during treatment because the one who feels hesitate to speak about their problem they can write and analyze their daily problems and work on them.

Morning Meeting

In this session a whole family members discuss with the counsellor about the problems they are facing step wise in the house. In this session we learn value system and to live discipline life.


Fitness at Jan Sudhar 

The word ‘fitness’ can be difficult to pin down because it is used so subjectively in everyday speech. Some people associate physical fitness with being able to climb a flight of stairs while for others it is the ability to run a marathon. The way we view physical fitness here at Jan Sudhar is a level of physical wellness where you are able to get the most out of life. This doesn’t have to be about running marathons or becoming a gym-rat. It is about getting and keeping your body at least in a fit enough shape, so you can comfortably accomplish the tasks you need to do each day.

These are the essential building blocks of physical fitness.

So, what are essential building blocks of physical fitness and how can it be achieved? Well, there is cardiorespiratory endurance, muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, and body composition ( what percentage of your body is fat, bones, muscles, water, etc.). To improve these components, you should try a combination of the following:

  • Choose from a range of activities like walking, running, weight training, team sports, Yoga and work out regularly.
  • Ensure proper nutrition ? stick to a healthy diet.
  • Get sufficient rest and sleep.
  • Practice stress management and relaxation a go – e.g. with activities like Yoga and Meditation.


Healthy Eating at Jan Sudhar

  • Our buffet lunch includes an impressive mix of salad, vegetables, fish, and meats – all of it prepared from scratch with fresh ingredients. Clients regularly rave about the delicious food.
  • Our breakfast includes lots of fruit, a selection of yogurts, and eggs (Macroni, Poha, Butter and Egg Bread, Chilla with Tea,Bread Rolls, Stuffed Parathas, Chickpeas with Pickle) for protein.
  • Our Lunch includes (Kidney Beens, Cowpeas, Black Chickpeas, Sambhar, Fried Rice, Raita, Rice and Chapati, Papad, Salads).
  • Our Evening Snacks includes (Biscuit/Tea, Rissole/Tea, Fruit Chat, French Fries/Tes).
  • Our Dinner includes (Dal, Sabji, Egg Curry, Aaloo Mater,Channa Dal,Sweets, Chicken, Paneer, Chapati, Rice,Salad).
  • Healthy snacks are available throughout the day for clients who are feeling a bit peckish.

Considering addiction as a cunning, baffling, powerful & chronic disease and recovery as a new way of life, we here at Jan Sudhar Rehabilitation Facility offers an individualized, recovery oriented, Twelve Step based treatment module to the patients through a continuous sequence of love, care and moral support. The treatment program of Jan Sudhar  has been designed to give you the best opportunity for educating yourself about the disease of addiction so that one can build the foundation of recovery through the help of Fellowship and Twelve Steps Program.

What makes us different :

  1. We firmly know that each patient belongs to a unique thinking pattern, having a separate physical condition and even brought up with different knowledge and information. That is why Jan Sudhar  has a customized treatment module for each patient depending upon his needs and so thus Jan Sudhar  assesses & adjusts the level of care to everyone.
  2. The treatment program at Jan Sudhar  includes Family Orientation through which each family has been taught about Codependency and various aspect of Addiction as a disease. Once the families came in to a stability, they have been introduced to various Family Recovery Group Meetings functioning in the subject locality.
  3. The treatment module of Jan Sudhar  primarily based on 12 Steps Recovery Program. We introduce fellowship and meeting structure to the patients through which millions of people able to maintain their recovery worldwide.
  4. Jan Sudhar  has in house closed meeting structure for both Alcoholics and Drug Addicts. We also take out the patients to the outside meetings periodically.

Treatment therapy of Jan Sudhar includes

  1. Enhancing motivation and helping every patient to apply the 12 Step Program to specific challenges and events in their lives.
  2. Giving thorough knowledge about different Behavioral Disorders, Mental Health disorders, Addictive Thinking Patterns & Co-occurring Diseases (COD) or Co-morbidity.
  3. Educational Lectures on various aspects of Addiction as a disease.
  4. Detailing about how to handle peer pressure.
  5. Coping skills during vulnerable situations for an addict.
  6. Detail orientation on Abstinence Strategies and Relapse Prevention Measure ( ASARpm ).
  7. Awareness on Hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS.

Yoga Therapy at Jan Sudhar 

Jan Sudhar has a routine Yoga practice on a daily basis for the patients and staffs. Our Yoga Therapist is well skilled and properly trained in Iyengar Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga. In the morning time all the patients practice different postures of Yoga for proper coordination of mind, body and soul. Jan Sudhar has a firm approval toward Yoga as a complementary health practice and a natural form of medicine. Jan Sudhar  encourages practicing Yoga to learn connecting mind, body and breath to gain self-awareness and focus inward attention. Yoga at Jan Sudhar has many potential benefits, including: (1) Stress relief (2) Increased physical stamina and strength (3) Self-reflection and increased self-awareness (4) Healthier exercise and eating habits (5) Heightened self-confidence and improved self-image (6) Pain relief (7) Better sleep (8) Increased energy levels (9) Reduction in fatigue (10) Emotional healing (11) Overall health and wellness improvement and many more.

Meditation at Jan Sudhar 

Jan Sudhar has a compulsory meditation session to be attended by the in house patients. The prime objective of Jan Sudhar is to practice Mindfulness through meditation. Whenever an individual brings awareness to what he is directly experiencing via his senses, through his state of mind or via his thoughts and emotions, he is being Mindful. Jan Sudhar believes that Mindfulness is something we all naturally possess and it will be more readily available to us when we practice Meditation on a daily basis. Even we give a brief introduction to Vipasana during the course period at Jan Sudhar .

Duration of Treatment:

Jan Sudhar normally holds a 90 days treatment module for a in house patient. This includes Withdrawal Management, Therapeutic Community Program, De-Addiction, Rehabilitation, 12 steps Program and Family Orientation. There is no any short term rehabilitation plan is available for the patient willing to get treatment at Jan Sudhar. Patients and families are well informed prior to the admission that in no case the patient will be released before completion of the course except some special cases which are considered on medical ground only or in certain conditions when the patient has to be shifted to a hospital for emergent care.

Why 90 days treatment is important –

It will give you more Time to practice – during the treatment period, you will be taught about various coping skills during vulnerable situations. You will be taught about Abstinence Strategies and Relapse prevention Measures. Moreover you will be educated about managing interpersonal relationships, maintaining healthy boundaries, engaging in conflict resolution, exercising personal discipline on a daily basis. Just like any other skill, they require practice. As we all know, the more you practice the better you are at something. Short term rehabilitation program don’t allow you enough time to practice the skills before going out to the mainstream. Jan Sudhar allows you more time to practice these skills, so when you complete the course, you have a higher chance to maintain your sobriety. It will give you more time to Change A Habit – it has been believed that it takes approximately 90 days for the brain to reset itself and shake off the effects of an addiction. This allows an addict to learn from his past mistakes and develop new ways of life. It will give you a break in life – eventually short term rehabs are not enough of a solution to the unmanageability of life. A 90 days break from the old life style shall give you a span of freedom from the old habits and as well as from the toxic relationships. A longer stay allows you to dig deeper into the concepts of recovery and to gain benefits from Jan Sudhar . Always remember Baby brains grow to half the adult size in just first 90 days.

The Daily Routine of Jan Sudhar :

Jan Sudhar introduces a well structured daily routine to be followed by everyone inside the center starting from 06:00 Am ( wake up ) till 10:00 Pm ( lights off ). The daily structure inside Jan Sudhar includes Yoga session, Meditation, Educational Lectures, Literature Reading, Assignment Writings, Intra Group Therapy, Meetings, Daily Self Reflection, Group Sharing and many more. The daily routine of Jan Sudhar is rigid and in no manner flexible or has never been changed or modified since the date of commencement. Jan Sudhar believes in maintaining discipline always plays a major role in recovery and so thus Jan Sudhar use to maintain the daily routine with best effort. However there is an exclusion for them who are put under absolute rest by a Medical Practitioner in written. The routine includes recreational sessions where Patients are allowed to play different games.

One to One Counseling Session:

One to One counseling is just one of the various ways that a Service Provider of Jan Sudhar can assist an Addict and his family to learn more about the Addiction as a disease. One to One counseling has a number of advantages and benefits. In general, it is more helpful for both the Service Provider and the Patient where both of them can able to focus on specific problems and solutions thereon. This way, the Service Provider can develop a set of recommendations, strategies and personalized treatment module as deemed to be fit for the patient’s situation. The prime objective of Jan Sudhar through these One to One sessions is to add fresh perspectives on life and developing new skills to cope up with various problems. One to One session helps a patient to grow a positive mindset and learn techniques to free themselves from Addiction and habitual patterns of depression, anxiety, self-criticism and other destructive thoughts and emotions. Here in Jan Sudhar we believe sharing is the divine form of caring. Through sharing with a Service Provider in an One to One session, the Patient can acquire specific way out on how to finally deals with Substance Abuse, Behavioral Disorders, gambling, negative relationship issues, and many more life threats. All the Service Providers at Jan Sudhar are trained, experienced, well skilled and having an identity as a Recovering Addicts and so thus the suffering of a patient can easily be related and identified. This ensures the Patient is likely to develop more life affirming behaviors which help him to improve the quality in responsibility taking and relationships maintaining with their loved ones, friends and even in playing a social role. Again, One of the biggest barriers for an addict is the stigma associated with the disease of Addiction. An addict, any addict suffering with a mental health problem has reportedly experienced stigma and discrimination in their lives. Social shame and embarrassment, rejection and discrimination finally compelled an addict to go isolated from family, friends and even from his work place. The primary purpose of Jan Sudhar’s One to One session is to restore the self confidence within the Addict by educating and making them aware about the stereotypes of society and stigmas of Addiction. With the best support from the Service Providers of Jan Sudhar, an addict gets the most effective ways to deal with these kind of complications.


Jan Sudhar Nasha Mukti Kendra Conduct By Jan Sudhar Foundation, Sarnath-Varanasi U.P. 221007. Reg No. 275.

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